Free download Laboratory Techniques in Organic Chemistry (4th Edition) Supporting Inquiry-Driven Experiments written by Jerry R. Mohrig, David G. Alberg, Gretchen E. Hofmeister, Paul F. Schatz and Christina Noring Hammond in pdf.
In preparing this Fourth Edition of Laboratory Techniques in Organic Chemistry, we have maintained our emphasis on the fundamental techniques that students encounter in the organic chemistry laboratory. We have also expanded our emphasis on the critical thinking skills that students need to successfully carry out inquiry-driven experiments.
The use of guided-inquiry and design-based experiments and projects is arguably the most important recent development in the teaching of the undergraduate organic chemistry lab, and it provides the most value added for our students.
Organic chemistry is an experimental science, and students learn its process in the laboratory. Our primary goal should be to teach students how to carry out well designed experiments and draw reasonable conclusions from their results—a process at the heart of science. We should work to find opportunities that engage students in addressing questions whose answers come from their experiments, in an environment where they can succeed.
These opportunities should be designed to catch students’ interest, transforming them from passive spectators to active participants. A well-written and comprehensive textbook on the techniques of experimental organic chemistry is an important asset in reaching these goals.
PART 1: Introduction to the Organic Laboratory
- Safety in the Laboratory
- Green Chemistry
- Laboratory Notebooks and Prelaboratory Information
PART 2: Carrying Out Chemical Reactions
- Laboratory Glassware
- Measurements and Transferring Reagents
- Heating and Cooling Methods
- Setting Up Organic Reactions
- Computational Chemistry
PART 3: Basic Methods for Separation, Purification, and Analysis
- Filtration
- Extraction
- Drying Organic Liquids and Recovering Reaction Products
- Boiling Points and Distillation
- Refractometry
- Melting Points and Melting Ranges
- Recrystallization
- Sublimation
- Optical Activity and Enantiomeric Analysis
PART 4: Chromatography
- Thin-Layer Chromatography
- Liquid Chromatography
- Gas Chromatography
PART 5: Spectrometric Characterization Methods
- Infrared Spectroscopy
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- 13C and Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy
- Mass Spectrometry
- Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy
- Integrated Spectrometry Problems
PART 6: Designing and Carrying out Organic Experiments
- Designing Chemical Reactions
- Using the Literature of Organic Chemistry
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