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CHEMISTRY.COM.PK | Get All The Solutions Here

Mission: To Promote Chemical/Chemistry Education in Pakistan

Chemistry.Com.Pk is a non-profit organization and is willing to promote chemistry/chemical education in Pakistan by publishing chemistry related quality articles, lectures, presentations and research findings on its online chemistry portal. Contact information of Chemistry Departments of Pakistani Universities and Chemistry/Chemical Institutes with their specialities and offered courses also be published on chemistry portal. We also provide download links of well-known chemistry books and chemistry related software on our online chemistry portal.

Chemistry.Com.Pk organizes solely and collaboratively chemistry/chemical education related seminars, symposiums, workshops and conferences in Pakistan.

Chemistry / Chemical education related events organized by Chemistry.Com.Pk in the collaboration with OSRG-FUUAST and other organizations at Department of Chemistry, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Karachi

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