Four Major Types of Organic Reactions
Virtually all organic reactions fall into one of four categories: substitutions, additions, eliminations, or rearrangements. Substitution Reactions Substitutions are the characteristic reactions of saturated compounds such as alkanes and alkyl halides and of aromatic compounds (even though they are unsaturated). In a substitution, one group replaces another. For example, chloromethane reacts with sodium hydroxide to produce methyl […]

Oximes – A Short Introduction
Introduction Oximes are the chemical compounds belonging to imines class. They are generally classified into aldoxime and ketoxime. Aldoxime have one alkyl group while ketoxime have two alkyl groups as side chains. Another type of oxime is called as amidoxime where carbon as one nitrogen as oxime and one disubstituted nitrogen atom. Victor Meyer, a german […]

Organic Synthesis: A Brief History (2/2)
Different Aspects of Organic Synthesis The drive to improve the efficiency of the drug discovery process has created the need for rapid compound synthesis and efficient methods for screening compounds for biological activity. The fields of combinatorial chemistry and high-throughput screening matured during the early 1990s to meet the challenges of modern pharmaceutical research. Solid-phase […]

Organic Synthesis: A Brief History (1/2)
Introduction At the dawn of the twenty-first century, the state of the art and science of organic synthesis is as healthy and vigorous is as ever. The birth of this exhilarating, multifaceted, and boundless science is marked by Wohler’s synthesis of urea in 1828. This milestone event – as trivial as it may seem by […]

A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry by Peter Sykes
Free download A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Sixth Edition) is written Peter Sykes M.Sc., PhD., F.R.S.C., C.Chm. Fellow and Vice-Master, Christ’s College, Cambridge. This book was first published in 1985. This book is very helpful to understand the basics of reactions mechanism in organic chemistry, students and teachers of organic chemistry can equally get benefit from this […]