Computational Organic Chemistry (2nd Edition) By Steven M. Bachrach
Free download Computational Organic Chemistry (2nd edition) written by Steven M. Bachrach in pdf. This book is a testament to just how difficult it is to adequately account for the properties and reactivities of real chemical systems using quantum mechanics (QM). The structure of the book remains largely intact from the first edition, with a […]

Organic Chemistry I Workbook for Dummies (2nd Edition) By Arthur Winter
Free download Organic Chemistry I Workbook for Dummies (2nd edition) written by Arthur Winter in pdf. Organic chemistry is a subject that blends basic chemistry, logic problems, 3-D puzzles, and stick-figure art that looks like something out of a prehistoric cave. If you thirst for knowledge, taking organic chemistry will feel like drinking from a […]

General, Organic, Biological Chemistry (5th Edition) By Janice Gorzynski Smith
Free download General, Organic, Biological Chemistry (5th edition) written by Janice Gorzynski Smith in pdf. My goal in writing this text was to relate the fundamental concepts of general, organic, and biological chemistry to the world around us, and in this way illustrate how chemistry explains many aspects of everyday life. A key feature is […]

Organic Chemistry with Biological Topics (5th Edition) By Janice Gorzynski Smith and Heidi R. Vollmer–Snarr
Free download Organic Chemistry with Biological Topics (5th edition) written by Janice Gorzynski Smith and Heidi R. Vollmer–Snarr in pdf. Organic Chemistry with Biological Topics continues the successful student-oriented approach used in Organic Chemistry by Janice Gorzynski Smith. This text uses less prose and more diagrams and bulleted summaries for today’s students, who rely more […]

Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry (8th Global Edition) By John McMurry, Ballantine, Hoeger and Peterson
Free download Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry (8th Global Edition in SI Units) written by John McMurry, David S. Ballantine, Carl A. Hoeger and Virginia E. Peterson in pdf. This textbook and its related digital resources provide students in the allied health sciences with a needed background in chemistry and biochemistry while offering […]

Chemistry for Today: General, Organic and Biochemistry (9th Edition) By Seager, Slabaugh & Hansen
Free download Chemistry for Today: General, Organic and Biochemistry (9th edition) written by Spencer L. Seager, Michael R. Slabaugh and Maren S. Hansen in pdf. As per writers, “In this ninth edition of the text, we have some exciting new features, including Ask Pharmacist boxes written by Marvin Orrock and Chemistry Tips for Living Well. […]

Introduction to Organic Chemistry (6th Edition) By William H. Brown and Thomas Poon
Free download Introduction to Organic Chemistry (6th edition) written by William H. Brown and Thomas Poon in pdf. This text is designed for an introductory course in organic chemistry and assumes, as background, a prior course of general chemistry. Both its form and content have been shaped by our experiences in the classroom and by […]