Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis (7th Edition) By James W. Robinson, Eileen M. Skelly Frame and George M. Frame II
Free download Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis (7th edition) written by James W. Robinson, Eileen M. Skelly Frame and George M. Frame II in pdf. This edition has been completely updated, revised, and expanded. To achieve this, the previous approach of having each chapter be self-contained has been abandoned; repetition has been reduced to a minimum so […]

Computational Organic Chemistry (2nd Edition) By Steven M. Bachrach
Free download Computational Organic Chemistry (2nd edition) written by Steven M. Bachrach in pdf. This book is a testament to just how difficult it is to adequately account for the properties and reactivities of real chemical systems using quantum mechanics (QM). The structure of the book remains largely intact from the first edition, with a […]

Organic Chemistry I Workbook for Dummies (2nd Edition) By Arthur Winter
Free download Organic Chemistry I Workbook for Dummies (2nd edition) written by Arthur Winter in pdf. Organic chemistry is a subject that blends basic chemistry, logic problems, 3-D puzzles, and stick-figure art that looks like something out of a prehistoric cave. If you thirst for knowledge, taking organic chemistry will feel like drinking from a […]

Principles of Chemistry – A Molecular Approach (4th Global Edition) By Nivaldo J. Tro
Free download Principles of Chemistry – A Molecular Approach (4th global edition) written by Nivaldo J. Tro in pdf. The book has been extensively revised and contains more small changes than can be detailed here. The most significant changes to the book and its supplements are listed below: New Interactive Videos: I have added 16 […]

Chemical Analysis: Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques (2nd Edition) By Francis Rouessac and Annick Rouessac
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Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry (7th Edition) By Ian Fleming and Dudley Williams
Free download Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry (7th edition) written by Ian Fleming and Dudley Williams in pdf. This book is the seventh edition of a well-established introductory guide to the interpretation of the mass, ultraviolet, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of organic compounds. It is a textbook suitable for a course in the […]

An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry (5th Edition) By Graham L. Patrick
Free download An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry (5th edition) written by Graham L. Patrick in pdf. Th is text is aimed at undergraduates and postgraduates who have a basic grounding in chemistry and are studying a module or degree in medicinal chemistry. It attempts to convey, in a readable and interesting style, an understanding about […]