Introduction to Chemistry (5th Edition) By Rich Bauer, James Birk and Pamela Marks
Free download Introduction to Chemistry (5th edition) written by Rich Bauer, James Birk and Pamela Marks in pdf. This textbook is designed for the freshman-level Introductory Chemistry course that does not have a chemistry prerequisite and is suitable for either a one-semester course or a two-semester sequence. The book targets introductory courses taken by non-physical […]

CHEMISTRY: A Self-Teaching Guide (3rd Edition) by Richard Post, Snyder, Houk
Free download CHEMISTRY: A Self-Teaching Guide (3rd edition) written by Richard Post, Chad A. Snyder and Clifford C. Houk in pdf. This book has been written to meet such needs. It can stand alone as a “first look” at chemistry or may be used as a supplement to any of the many excellent textbooks or […]

Introductory Chemistry Essentials (5th Global Edition) By Nivaldo J. Tro
Free download Introductory Chemistry Essentials (5th Edition) written by Nivaldo J. Tro in pdf. Now in its fifth edition, Introductory Chemistry Essentials continues to foster deep engagement in the course by showing how chemistry manifests in students’ daily lives. Author Nivaldo Tro draws upon his classroom experience as an award-winning instructor to extend chemistry from the laboratory to […]

Free Download Chemistry (13th Edition) By Raymond Chang and Jason Overby
Free download Chemistry (13th Edition) written by Raymond Chang and Jason Overby in pdf published in 2019. Chang’s best-selling general chemistry textbook takes a traditional approach and is often considered a student and teacher favorite. The book features a straightforward, clear writing style and proven problem-solving strategies. It continues the tradition of providing a firm […]

Principles of Modern Chemistry (7th Ed.) By Oxtoby, Gillis and Campion
Free download Principles of Modern Chemistry (7th edition) written by David W. Oxtoby, H.P. Gillis and Alan Campion in pdf. The seventh edition of Principles of Modern Chemistry is written for students in honors and upper-mainstream general chemistry courses who seek to understand and interpret chemical events at the molecular level. The relation of molecular […]

Chemistry (10th Edition) by Whitten, Davis, Peck and Stanley
Free download Chemistry (10th edition) written by Kenneth W. Whitten, Raymond E. Davis, Larry Peck and George G. Stanley in pdf. Chemistry and Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis Supplement, tenth edition, are intended for use in the introductory chemistry course taken by students of chemistry, biology, geology, physics, engineering, and related subjects. Although some background in […]

Chemistry An Atoms First Approach (2nd Edition) By Zumdahl and Zumdahl
Free download Chemistry An Atoms First Approach (2nd edition) written by Steven S. Zumdahl and Susan A. Zumdahl in pdf. Steve and Susan Zumdahl’s texts focus on helping students build critical -thinking skills through the process of becoming independent problem-solvers. They help students learn to think like chemists so they can apply the problem-solving process […]