Instrumental Analytical Chemistry – An Introduction By James W. Robinson, Eileen M. Skelly Frame, and George M. Frame II
Free download Instrumental Analytical Chemistry – An Introduction written by James W. Robinson, Eileen M. Skelly Frame, and George M. Frame II in pdf. Analytical chemistry today is almost entirely instrumental analytical chemistry and it is performed by many scientists and engineers who are not chemists. Analytical instrumentation is crucial to research in molecular biology, […]
Mass Spectrometry A Textbook (3rd Edition) By Jürgen H Gross
Free download Mass Spectrometry A Textbook (3rd edition) written by Jürgen H. Gross in pdf. When non-mass spectrometrists are talking about mass spectrometry, it rather often sounds as if they were telling a story out of Poe’s Tales of Mystery and Imagination. Indeed, mass spectrometry appears to be regarded as a mysterious method, just good […]
Organic Spectroscopy by L.D.S. Yadav
Free download Organic Spectroscopy by L.D.S. Yadav (Department of Chemistry, University of Allahabad, India) in pdf published by Springer. According to the author; “The subject matter has been presented in a comprehensive, lucid and systematic manner which is easy to understand even by self-study. I believe that learning by solving problems gives more competence and […]
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds (7th Ed.) By Silverstein, Webster and Kiemle
Free download Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds (7th edition) by Robert M. Silverstein, Francis X. Webster and David J. Kiemle in pdf. Robert M. Silverstein’s Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds first appeared 50 years ago. Throughout these 50 years, this book has undergone many editions and remained one of the most popular textbooks on organic spectroscopy […]
Introduction to Spectroscopy (4th Edition) By Donald L. Pavia, Lampman, Kriz and Vyvyan
Free Download Introduction to Spectroscopy (Fourth Edition) written by Donald L. Pavia, Gary M. Lampman, George S. Kriz and James R. Vyvyan and published by Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning in 2009. Pavia/Lampman/Kriz/Vyvyan’s Introduction to Spectroscopy, 4e, is a comprehensive resource that provides an unmatched, systematic introduction to spectra and basic theoretical concepts in spectroscopic methods that creates a practical […]