Clinical Chemistry (9th Ed.) By William J. Marshall, Marta Lapsley, Andrew Day and Kate Shipman
Free download Clinical Chemistry (9th edition) authored by William J. Marshall, Marta Lapsley, Andrew Day and Kate Shipman in pdf. This book was originally written primarily for medical students. However, the utility of a succinct review of the topic has been recognized by many disciplines, both clinical and scientific, and at all stages of training. […]

An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry (5th Edition) By Graham L. Patrick
Free download An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry (5th edition) written by Graham L. Patrick in pdf. Th is text is aimed at undergraduates and postgraduates who have a basic grounding in chemistry and are studying a module or degree in medicinal chemistry. It attempts to convey, in a readable and interesting style, an understanding about […]

Introduction to Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry (2nd Ed.) By Stig Pedersen-Bjergaard
Free download Introduction to Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry (2nd edition) written by Stig Pedersen-Bjergaard, Bente Gammelgaard and Trine Grønhaug Halvorsen in pdf This textbook is an extensive revision of ‘Introduction to Pharmaceutical Analysis’ from 2012. We have revised the manuscript totally, and updated the content according to current practice in pharmaceutical analytical chemistry, and according to […]