Computational Chemistry (4th Ed.) by Errol G. Lewars
Free download Computational Chemistry (4th Ed.) Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and Quantum Mechanics by Errol G. Lewars in pdf. As might be inferred from the word Introduction, the purpose of this book, like that of previous editions, is to teach the basics of the core concepts and methods of computational chemistry. […]

Computational Organic Chemistry (2nd Edition) By Steven M. Bachrach
Free download Computational Organic Chemistry (2nd edition) written by Steven M. Bachrach in pdf. This book is a testament to just how difficult it is to adequately account for the properties and reactivities of real chemical systems using quantum mechanics (QM). The structure of the book remains largely intact from the first edition, with a […]

Introduction to Computational Chemistry (3rd Edition) By Frank Jensen
Free download Introduction to Computational Chemistry (3rd edition) written by Frank Jensen in pdf. Introduction to Computational Chemistry 3rd Edition provides a comprehensive account of the fundamental principles underlying different computational methods. Fully revised and updated throughout to reflect important method developments and improvements since publication of the previous edition, this timely update includes the […]